Program to Advance Women Scientists: Constitution
Date of Adoption: 08/01/2015
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be the Program to Advance Women Scientists, abbreviated as PAWS. PAWS is a not-for-profit organization.
Section 1
The primary purpose of this organization is to empower women in the sciences through education, leadership, mentoring, and support.
Section 1
The membership of this organization shall consist primarily of graduate students and professional student members. PAWS’ club membership requires no less than 50% graduate students and/or professional student members. The University of Arizona staff/faculty, undergraduate students, and non-University persons may hold membership, but their membership cannot be greater than 50% of the club member rolls.
Section 2
The University of Arizona staff/faculty, and non-University persons, may have membership status but may not hold officer positions.
Section 3
A yearly membership fee of $15 is required. The membership fee for first-year graduate students is waived. Membership fees are due at the time of club enrollment. Officers must pay the membership fee.
Section 4
Individuals interested in PAWS are welcome to attend one general meeting before committing to the PAWS club organization. Membership is required to attend all other PAWS events, pursuant to Article III, Section 3.
Section 5
Members are eligible for special club benefits and PAWS club travel grants. A Contributing Member eligibility is based on attending 50% of the scheduled general membership meetings in an academic year and participating in at least one PAWS hosted event i.e. outreach, professional development, or club social event per semester.
Section 1
Officer positions shall consist of:
· President: Oversee organization to ensure that the goals of the mission statement are being achieved. Organize and lead monthly general member meetings. Check PAWS email frequently and respond to emails. Make edits to the constitution. Assist other officers with their duties.
· Vice-president: Assists the president to ensure that the goals of the mission statement are being achieved and manages the organization’s website.
· Treasurer(s): Manages the financial status of the organization. Responsibilities include responding to new membership requests, handling member fees, coordinating with the Secretary to keep the membership mailing list up to date, and handling donations made through fundraising events. Manages the financial status of the organization. Responsibilities include maintaining an annual budget, expense accounting, current bank account status, and writing and submitting grants on behalf of PAWS. Max of two treasurers.
· Secretary: Perform administrative tasks for the organization. Responsibilities include recording and typing up the meeting minutes of general member meetings, recording of attendance at general member meetings, managing organization calendar, and upkeep of membership mailing list.
· Outreach Chair: Lead and organize outreach events that promote the mission statement of the organization. At minimum of one outreach event must be held per semester.
· Professional Development Chair: Lead and organize professional development events that promote the mission statement of the organization. At minimum of one seminar must be held per semester.
· Social Chair: Lead and organize social events for the organization. At minimum of two social events per academic year must be held. One social event must be at the beginning of the academic school year to welcome incoming first-year graduate students. Manages social media accounts.
Section 2
Officers must be The University of Arizona graduate students who have been a member of PAWS for at least one academic year. Officers must be present at the University of Arizona for the full academic year.
Section 3
At minimum five positions of the executive council must be held, which include president, vice-president, secretary, and both treasurers.
Section 4
Officers serve one-year academic terms (August-May). Officer training/responsibilities may begin the summer before the academic year. An officer may hold the same position for up to two years (consecutive or nonconsecutive) with an exception for the treasurers, who can serve an indefinite term.
Section 5
Removal of an officer may be initiated by any officers, and requires a majority vote at a general meeting for official removal. An officer may step down at any time.
Section 6
Vacant officer positions, due to the removal or resignation, will be filled by normal election procedures (see Article V) or left unfilled if other officers agree that it is not necessary to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
Section 7
Officers as designated by this organization shall be equally responsible for payment in full of all debts accumulated by the organization not covered by funds on deposit.
Section 1
Officer nominations and elections will be held in the month of May each year.
Section 2
Only PAWS members may participate in the nomination and election process.
Section 3
To vie for an officer position, one must be a PAWS member for at least one academic year (August-May) and passed their PhD candidacy exam. In addition, members who have plans to graduate in the upcoming academic year are not eligible for an officer position.
Section 4
An election coordinator will be chosen by majority vote in the April PAWS meeting. The election coordinator must be a member of PAWS for at least two years and is planning to graduate in the upcoming academic year. If no member meets the requirement a PAWS advisor can fulfill the role.
Section 5
At the beginning of May the election coordinator will hold officer nominations through an anonymous poll (such as SurveyMonkey). Any member may nominate another member (including themselves) for an officer position. Nominees will then be informed by the election coordinator (by email) of their nomination and can choose to run for only one position. The election coordinator will then inform all PAWS members (by email) of the finalized list of nominees before the May general PAWS meeting.
Section 6
After the finalized nomination list is made public, the nominees are welcome to campaign for themselves. Nominees can campaign for themselves during the May general meeting by presenting a small speech (under 5 minutes) on why they wish and how they are qualified to be in that position. Current PAWS officers may not use any of their privileges (such as emailing from the PAWS email account) to campaign for themselves or other nominees.
Section 7
After the May PAWS meeting, the election coordinator will then initiate voting for officer positions through an anonymous poll.
Section 8
In the case of a tie, the election coordinator will decide who will be granted the position. The election coordinator may have a meeting with the tied nominees to resolve the tie. Co-officer positions can be instated if both nominees agree to share the position.
Section 1
General member meetings will be held monthly at minimum in which both officers and members can attend. Prospective members may attend one general meeting to learn more about the organization (see Article III, section 4). General member meetings involve brainstorming, planning for events, and organization business. The President is responsible for planning and leading general member meetings (see Article IV, section 1).
Section 2
The secretary must audio record the general member meetings and type-up the meeting minutes (see Article IV, section 1).
Section 3
Officers may hold and lead other meetings.
Section 1
There should be at least one active PAWS faculty adviser at all times. A maximum of three PAWS faculty advisers is allowed. Faculty must be from The University of Arizona.
Section 2
Voting for faculty advisers will occur at the beginning of the academic year in a general meeting.
Section 1
Committees will be established by the president and vice-president to ensure the planning of specific events and activities for the organization, and will assign chairpersons to lead a committee. Any member may join a committee.
Section 1
Benefits of membership include admission to PAWS hosted general meetings, professional development events, outreach events, and social events. Contributing members (defined in Article III, Section 5) can also be included on PAWS club travel grants.
Section 2
Contributing Members can seek travel funds through the PAWS Treasurers. The Treasurers will determine if the Contributing Member is eligible to apply for the grant and any requirements for the Contributing Member to make after receipt of the travel grant and event. A club travel grant will be written and then submitted by the Treasurer.
Section 1
Any member may propose a draft of a constitutional amendment during a general member meeting. After thorough discussion, the amendment will take place by a majority vote of members at a general meeting.
Section 1
This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information in any of its policies, procedures, and practices. This policy will include, but is not limited to recruiting, membership, organization activities, or opportunity to hold office. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 15-1863, religious or political student organizations may determine that ordering the organizations internal affairs, selecting the organization’s leaders and members, defining the organization’s doctrines and resolving the organization’s disputes are in furtherance of the organization’s religious or political mission and that only persons committed to that mission should conduct such activities. Pursuant to Section 106.14 of the regulations promulgated under Title IX of the US Education Act Amendment of 1972, Social Greek Letter Organizations may limit membership based on gender.
Section 2
This organization will not conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm or personal degradation, or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending the institution.
Section 3
This organization shall comply with all University and campus policies and regulations, in addition to all local, state, and federal laws.
Section 4
PAWS will work in a democratic manner within the framework of University policies and procedures.
Section 5
A specific member or members designated by this organization shall be responsible for payment in full of all debts accumulated by the organization not covered by funds on deposit.
Section 6
PAWS is subject to the Arizona Board of Regents Code of Conduct.